
BVP HackerEarth Club

The best Programming Club out there


The best programming club out there

See our Events


Jan 26, 2019 - Jan 27,2019

Idea Hack was 30 hour development hackathon conducted by BVP HEC in the month of January of year 2019 on hackerearth platform in which cross college teams were allowed. It was a themed hackathon with three themes namely General, Social and Security. Idea hack had over 60 registerations. About 30 teams participated in the hackathon. Winners were announced on 28 Jan 2019. T-shirts were given as prizes to top 3 teams. Stickers were given as prizes to top 5 teams. To see the list of winners click here


Oct 21, 2018 - Oct 30,2018

CODE2RACE was an initiative by BVP HEC in the month of October of year 2018 to help and motivate student developers towards open source contribution during Hacktoberfest.


Oct 7, 2018

CODE-A-THON 1.0 was 3 hour competitive coding contest conducted by BVP HEC in the month of October of year 2018 on hackerearth platform. It consisted of 6-7 algorithmic questions answerable in Python, C, C++ along with some multiple coice questions. This was to give a brainstorming challenge to the participants. To see the list of winners click here


The best programming club out there


Yes there is code of conduct for club members. You can check it here

Joining the club is completely free of cost. To join the club contact at bvphackerearth@gmail.com

Registerations for new team will open in the month of April or May 2019.